Summer is the perfect time to up your sustainability game. With better weather, walking, cycling and gardening are all more attractive and getting out into nature helps increase our appreciation for the planet.
Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash
However, it's also a season that can come with a hefty environmental footprint. From travel to festivals to daily habits, our choices can significantly impact the planet.
This year, why not make a commitment to a more sustainable summer? Here are some practical tips to help you enjoy the season while treading lightly on the earth.
Photo by AbdolAzim Mollaei on Unsplash
Plan a sustainable holiday
A holiday can be the highlight of the year, something we look forward to for months. But travel, holiday fashion and getting out and about can place a heavy burden on the environment.
Here are some tips for how to have a sustainable holiday.
Choose a Staycation. The most sustainable choice. Visit favourite spots on your doorstep and discover hidden gems with the help of local guide and your social media network. Not only does this reduce your carbon footprint, but it also supports local economies. It’s a lot easier on the bank balance too.
Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash
Opt for Sustainable Transport.
Take trains or buses over flights. If flying is unavoidable, consider carbon offset programs.
Photo by Roland Lösslein on Unsplash
Pack Light. Reducing the weight of your luggage can lower the emissions of your travel, especially when flying.
Photo by Sun Lingyan on Unsplash
Plan ahead to reduce waste: pack snacks in reusable containers rather than buying them, eliminating packaging.
Take your water bottle everywhere! Stay hydrated and avoid adding to the vast number of plastic bottles discarded every day.
Photo by Bluewater Sweden on Unsplash
Try camping! Camping can be very green, fun and cheap! Borrow or hire a tent and equipment. Take cooking equipment, cutlery and lightweight crockery.
Photo by Jonathan Forage on Unsplash
Don’t forget to turn off lights and heating and unplug appliances.
Buy Sustainable Summer Fashion
Look good without the cost to the planet.
Invest in quality.
Choose sustainable brands.
Shop second-hand.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
For lots more tips, checkout our How to Guide on sustainable clothes shopping.
Throw a Sustainable Summer Party
Hosting gatherings with friends and family can be done sustainably without compromising on style and fun:
Use reusable eating and drinking ware.
Be sure to recycle properly. Separate general waste from recyclables and collected your organic waste to compost (you can even donate your compost to a local community garden).
Consider food waste
NO GLITTER! (If you must, use biodegradable plastic-free glitter)
Use public transport, walk, cycle or scoot to your destination.
Say no to party poppers and other single use items and decorations.
Use a propane-based BBQ rather than polluting charcoal.
Ideally, serve a plant-based menu
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Have a Green Festival Season
Preparation is key to reducing your environmental footprint at festivals. Here’s your checklist.
Use eco-friendly transportation. Share lifts with friends, use public transport, or bike to the event to reduce carbon emissions.
Bring reusable water bottles, utensils, cups, and plates to avoid single-use plastics. Most festivals have water refill stations.
Pack light and choose sustainable materials for tents, camping gear, and clothing.
Green your festival wardrobe (support sustainable brands, swap, thrift, make)
Use designated recycling and compost bins at the festival site. Make sure you know where recycling stations are.
Leave no trace: leave the areas as you found it.
Choose food vendors that offer locally-sourced, organic options.
Opt for plant-based meals, which have a lower environmental impact compared to meat-based options.
Use solar-powered chargers for your electronic devices to reduce reliance on electricity.
Choose biodegradable glitter and eco-friendly toiletries to minimise harmful chemicals.
Invest in high-quality camping gear that will last for years instead of single-use items.
Purchase eco-friendly merchandise.
Photo by Aranxa Esteve on Unsplash
With some thought and planning, Summer can be sustainable as well as brilliant, beautiful and full of fun.
Check out the links below for more advice and don’t forget to spread the word!